Rotary Club of Cheshire Photo Gallery

March Unsung Student Awards
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Celebrating our unsung students

2024 Comedy Show Sponsors -
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We Appreciate You!

2024 Fireman Awards
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This is the 48th year of the prestigious award, which is given out by the Cheshire Rotary.

Dodd Middle School Flag Prep for Veteran's Day 2024
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Behind the scenes of this year's veterans day celebration.

Comedy Show- We Appreciate our Sponsors!
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Our Rotary Club of Cheshire members would like to share our appreciation to all sponsors and guests who came to support our fun/fundraiser!
Thank you to all members and spouses who helped make this a successful event.
With appreciation,
Aline Nichols - Club President

The Paul Harris Award Presented to Dr. Mani and Mrs Hilda Schmidt
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On April 17, we presented the prestigious Paul Harris award to Dr. Mani and Mrs Hilda Schmidt, both very well deserved!

Unsung Student Award Winners for May 2024
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We have successfully hosted three unsung student award dinners this year to honor six students from Cheshire public schools: one from each elementary school, one from Dodd middle school, and one from high school.

2024 PETS Celebration
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Presidents-Elect Training Seminar

Cheshire Chamber of Commerce Fall Festival and Marketplace 2022
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Some of our amazing supportive family members… our +1 (Plus 1)
Thank you to our thoughtful plus 1 Carol Mcgregor !

Fun, Interactive and Informative Fall Festival 2022
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Our Club had great attendance during this year’s Fall Festival!
Offering face painting, toys, Rotary coloring books, pictures displaying 80 years of community engagement and flyers inviting to future fun and meaningful activities with opportunity to highlight youth leadership, STEAM and partnership in our community!
T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U. !!

2022 Cheshire Fall Festival
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Rotary Club of Cheshire making strong partnership with Sustainable Cheshire and Blue Earth Compost

Rotary Day of Service 2022
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The Rotary Club of Cheshire, Connecticut, USA , Cheshire High School Interact Club members and other students volunteers did a great job serving at the 1st Cheshire Cofe Repair with Coalition for a Sustainable Cheshire.
We served all residents who needed help bringing heavy items, assisting with repairs and attending all who wanted a cheerful painting.
Great community connections while making fun memories.

Telemedicine Training With our Peru Counterpart
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Here are some pictures from Telemedicine training we have been doing with our Peru counterparts and they are building their own prosthesis.

Rotary 2022 Comedy Show Fundraiser
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The Rotary Club of Cheshire, Connecticut, USA hosted a wonderful comedy show !
This successful event was only possible with the great leadership of Ms. Mary L. Malin , Ms. Joanne Baldwin and Mr. Robert Davidson and the help of many members, specially Ellen Mulligan !
We missed you Ellen,
please know that we are thinking of you !
It was a fun way to show what Rotary Club is all about and fundraise for our scholarships while having fun !

2019 Rotary Club of Cheshire Pancake Breakfast
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Raising Funds for Local and International Work

Rotary Global Grant and Vocation Trip to Peru - Rotary Club of Cheshire
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Rotary Teaming up with Hartford Hospital, Dreaming and Working Together and Making Magic Happen.

A Club that was Chartered October 27, 1939 - Great Memories and Great Work
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The Rotary Club of Cheshire has a rich and varied history. Enjoy some of the images of the past.

Teaming up with other Rotary Clubs to have FUN and do GOOD
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Teaming up with the Rotary Club of Middletown, Rhode Island to help with their community fundraiser and have FUN!

50 Glimpses at the Rotary Year 2017-2018 - Great Memories & Great Work
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The TEAM at work, play and fellowship in year 2017-18

Focus on Youth, Next Generations of Rotary, Scholarships and Much More!
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Focus on Youth, Next Generations of Rotary, Scholarships and Education Recognitions in Cheshire and Much More!

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Doing good in our community, one deed at a time and having FUN doing it!

Rotary International Service - also doing great things beyond our borders
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Rotary International Service - also doing great things beyond our borders, Kenya, Haiti, Peru, Spain and more

Rotary Year 2019-2020
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General pictures, moments and FUN for the Rotary Year starting July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020

Rotary Year 2021-22 Serve to Change Lives
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Serve to Change Lives